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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Welcome to
Christian Restoration Manchester.
Thursdays 7pm and Saturday 12pm Community Football LEARN MORE Every Wednesday 11am - 2:30pm Pop in for coffee, tea and snacks LEARN MORE No more knives LEARN MORE
Who we are and what we do_ (1024 x 512 px)

Christian Restoration Manchester (CRM) is a Christian Charity that is passionate about helping people find their way back to God.  Founded by Issac Sany, our focus is on helping and uplifting our community in a wide variety of ways from our Community Food Bank to coffee mornings and mental health support groups. 

For 15 years CRM has been sharing the love of Jesus with people from all walks of life. Our inclusive space prides itself on the love, support and faith it provides to all. 

For more information on ‘Our Story’ click here. 

At Christian Restoration Ministry (CRM) we are dedicated to uniting our communities through our faith and spiritual support work, making sure that our Church is a safe space for everyone.

CRM knows how important it is to support our community, especially our most vulnerable. Our weekly Foodbank and Soup Kitchen allows people to gather, eat a meal with others and share their stories all while reducing isolation and food poverty. 

CRM works with Black African men in our community and supports them with issues including domestic abuse, mental health, harmful cultural practices and isolation. Our workshops and peer support group helps with emotional well-being, self esteem and mental health. 

CRM supports Black African women to access weekly well-being sessions. These sessions bring women together where they are able to support each other and focus on mental and physical well-being and health. 

At CRM we are a safe space for young Black African youths to express their feelings about their heritage, culture, emotions and social inclusion. Working with our young people allows them to express themselves through sport and other activities while also serving as a positive deterrent from gang crime and anti-social behaviour. 


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Reaching those who are far from God

We live out the Jesus Mission together in community through our small groups and ministries.


Restoring God’s dream for the world

CRM is a ministry dedicated to Uniting People to Restore Communities.


Reproducing the mission in others

We are a reproducing church who furthers the Jesus Mission by reproducing leaders, artists, locations, and churches here at Christian Restoration Manchester.


The Stories of the People


We work with great organisations

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